Band Merch

I'll forever be the kind of music fan that collects the limited edition things and reads all the liner notes and wonders about the people who made them and what they mean. This is never going to wear off. It's my great honor to be able to make some of these little pieces that go the extra mile.

Stephen Malkmus + The Jicks

I designed these for the Mirror Traffic tour. The stacked tech typeface and missing vowels combo suggest a codified message, perfect for a band whose lyrics are super cryptic.

Corin Tucker Band

Corin wanted gender-neutral tees. Of all the designs I made, she chose this riff on Elvis’ ‘Taking Care of Business’ logo, and this hot disco one incorporating her love of Xanadu.

Totalled Camaros

This wrecked auto design was my visualization of the music: shambolic sound collages broken apart and re-assembled into classics. Also, I love making pins…a pretty low-stakes way to experiment with ideas when you own a button machine!

Lord love a Lanyard

Sharp lanyards lend legitimacy to any kind of activity and are especially handy when one has been traveling in unknown parts.